C.d.I.E. has developed several activities thanks to its deep knowledge of the design, management, monitoring, reporting and cost accounting of complex EU-funded projects.
Our main activities are:
promotion and participation to projects related to local development and human resources development, with particular focus on Community policies, European citizenship and social quality of the interventions;
liaison services / services for the cooperative system at European level (exchange of good practices, promotions addressed to European institutions and networks, study visits and seminars, promotion of partnerships, agreements, relationships);
- system actions at provincial/inter-provincial, regional and national scale to support:
- the development of human resources
- the local development
- specific aspects of the labor market: equal opportunities, weaker segments of the population
design and management of services of technical support, monitoring and evaluation of complex programmes for national, regional and local management authorities.
identification of markets where offering activities of consultancy and drafting of agreements and partnerships, in particular addressed to new EU accession countries
design and management of complex territorial and transnational networks with particular attention to the European macro-regions
design and management of innovative services for supporting individuals, companies, the territory in the form of territorial development agencies, incubators, centers of excellence, resource centers, innovative reconciliation services, services for accompanying people into the labor market and vocational guidance, services supporting social companies, support for business innovation and placement into the European markets, support to female entrepreneurship
coordination of complex projects funded at local, national, Community level
design and realization of institutional communication tools and campaigns as well as territorial services and marketing
design and management of training courses and study visits on the main Community issues, starting from the structural funds and work programs of the European Commission.
design and realization of training courses on the subject of European project design, equal opportunities, reconciliation of professional and life needs
C.d.I.E. developed projects in the following programs: Equal, Fifth Community Action Programme, Tacis, Leonardo, MED, Alpine Space, Prevention of and fight against crime, Progress, Art 6 FSE, Culture 2000, FSE and FESR 2000- 2006, Law nr. 125/91 and Law nr 53/2000.
C.d.I.E. has enhanced activities referred to the items: environment, energy saving, mobility and sustainable tourism, agri-food sector, consumers’ policies, quality of life and active citizenship.