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Innovation and development

C.d.I.E. works with a network of Italian and European partners and promotes projects of social and economic development of the territory by supporting the competitiveness of enterprises and local framework.

The proposed activities are related to: 

  • transfer of innovation among research centres and enterpris
  • territorial marketing 
  • development of training centres and districts of enterprises
  • feasibility studies for specific projects on biotechnologies, agro-food, wood furnishing, energy saving, tourism, knowledge society


Particular attention is focused on scientific information addressed to local communities and citizens, as well as relations among school and training systems and enterprises.

Our main projects


Project “Culture in movimento” (Culture in motion) 2014-2017

The project was co-funded on July 2014 by the “Culture and urban areas – second phase” Programme of Cariplo Foundation. C.d.I.E. contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support for the Applicant Micheletti Foundation. The other project partners are: Catholic University of Brescia, Foundation Musei Cultura, Urban Center-Municipality of Brescia.


Project “Museo del bambino Rotonda della Besana” (Museum of the child Rotonda della Besana) 2014-2017

The project was co-funded on April 2014 by the “Pursue new forms of sustainability for culture” Programme of Cariplo Foundation. C.d.I.E. contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support for MUBA Foundation.


Project “ICARO – Instruments to remove Confiscated Asset Recovery’s Obstacles” 2014-2016

The project is co-funded by the “Prevention of and Fight against Crime” Programme of the European Union


C.d.I.E. takes part in the project as partner with the tasks to realize activity of research, to define and elaborate instruments and methodologies able to foster and improve the process of re-use/recovery of assets/companies confiscated from organized crime.

Applicant: Arci Milano.

Partners: Avviso Pubblico, CGIL Lombardia, Centro di Iniziativa Europea, Saveria Antiochia Omicron, University of Milan.


Project “FondARTerritorio: l’arte abita i castelli ed i giardini storici” (FondARTerritory: art lives castles and historic gardens” 2012-2015

The project was co-funded on December 2012 by the “Integrated management of cultural heritage” Programme of Cariplo Foundation. C.d.I.E. contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support for the Applicant Sartirana Foundation. The other project partners are: Foundation La Triennale di Milano,  Province of Pavia and Foundation Angelo Bozzola of Galliate.


Project “SIM - Sistema Idroelettrico Minerario” (SIM - Hydroelectric Mining System) 2013-2016

The project was co-funded in 2012 by the “Integrated management of cultural heritage” Programme of Cariplo Foundation. C.d.I.E. contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support for the Applicant Musil Foundation. The other project partners are: Municipality of Cedegolo, Municipality of Sellero, Consortium agro-forestry Valle Alliona.


Project “BIOREGIONE – Promuovere lo sviluppo locale sostenibile mediante l’organizzazione territoriale della domanda e dell’offerta di prodotti alimentari attraverso il sistema dei consumi collettivi” (BIOREGION: Promote the sustainable local developmnet by the territorial organization of supply and demand for food through the system of collective consumption” 2013-2015

The project, co-funded in 2013 by Cariplo Foundation, aims to foster the knowledge of data related to the supply and demand of agricultural and livestock products with particular reference to the possibility of promoting agreements among catering providers, foodservices and farms. C.d.I.E contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support for the Applicant University Statale of Milan.


Project “RURBANCE - RURAL-URBAN inclusive governance strategies and tools for the sustainable development of deeply transforming Alpine territories” 2013-2015

The project is co-funded by the “Alpine Space – territorial cooperation” Programme of the European Union. C.d.I.E. performs technical support for Lombardy Region with particular reference to the definition of models of urban-rural governance of the Milan’s metropolitan area.


Project “E-Create – Cultural routes entrepreneurship and technologies enhancement” 2012-2014

The project is co-funded by the “Territorial Cooperation Interreg C” Programme. C.d.I.E. performs technical support for Lombardy Region with particular reference to the exchange of best practices on the use of ICT for the cultural and artistic promotion of rural areas. 


Project “Smiling” 2011-2014

The project, co-funded in 2011 by the “Riditt” Programme, aims to promote the transfer of technology to SMEs and cooperative companies acting in the sector of home automation. C.d.I.E. contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support for Lega nazionale delle cooperative who is partner of the project. Applicant of the project is the University of Ancona. 


Project “Fra il Ticino e l’Expo: storie d’acqua e castelli in provincia di Pavia”(Between the Ticino and the EXPO: stories of water and castles in the province of Pavia) 2010-2014

The project was co-funded by Lombardy Region within the programme P.O.R. FESR 2007-2013 ASSE 4 – 2° BANDO - P.I.A.  C.d.I.E. contributed to the project’s design and performs technical support (costs’ accounting and reporting) for the Municipality of Vigevano, partner of the project. Other project partners are: Municipality of Pavia, Municipality of Chignolo Po, Municipality of Valle Salimbene, Municipality of Zerbolò, Municipality of Spessa Po, Municipality of Monticelli Pavese, Municipality of Belgioioso, Municipality of Torre d’Isola, Municipality of Bereguardo, Consortium Parco Lombardo Valle Ticino, Chamber of Commerce of Pavia, Cathedral of Vigevano, Ordine Eremitale degli Agostiniani (Hermit Order of the Augustinian). Applicant of the project is the Province of Pavia. Among the planned project activities there are: actions for restoration of historic buildings such as the Castle of Vigevano, promotion of cultural and tourist itineraries.


Progetto “SCORE - Stop crime on renewables and environement” 2010-2012

The project was co-funded by the “Prevention of and Fight against Crime” Programme of the European Union


C.d.I.E. took part in the project as partner with the tasks to realize activities aimed at the crime prevention and the support to the corporate legality of companies acting in the forestry/ timber/energy sector. In particular C.d.I.E. realized the researches “The timber sector and the risks of illegality. Elements of vulnerability in the forestry/ timber/energy sector”, Best practices for a legal and sustainable management of the forest - biomass (wood) - energy sector in Italy” and the ”Tool-kit to promote corporate legality in the forest - biomass (wood) sector: tools available for companies”. 

Applicant: Fondazione Culturale Responsabilità Etica. 

Partners: ARCI Lombardia, Associazione Saveria Antiochia Omicron, Associazione Valore Sociale, Banca Etica, C.d.I.E., Forest Stewardship Council Italia, TESAF (Dipartimento Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali) - University of Padova. 


Project “E-Skills: Mutual learning for the improvement of employment opportunities for young people in the ICT sector”  2011-2012

The project was co-funded by the “Progress” Programme of the European Union


C.d.I.E. took part in the project as partner with the tasks to elaborate the Survey of the state of the art in Italy

  • collect and exchange of best practices
  • organize an international meeting and study visits
  • define and elaborate the Action Protocol
  • Monitor and evaluate the project 

Applicant: Red Local (E)

Partners: DGB - Jugend Berlin-Brandenburg (DE), C.d.I.E. (IT), Wandsworth Council (UK)