I4E (Italy for Europe), is a project promoted by C.d.I.E., Archidata, Esosfera, Logon that offers contributions and support to Italian companies and bodies with the objective of improving and increasing the presence of best practices within the framework of European projects. I4E proposes to: a) Establish a permanent centre for ad-hoc information and technical assistance to facilitate participation in calls for proposals and European initiatives by Italian public and private subjects, b) promoting appropriate partnership and collaboration agreements with the public administration bodies, fostering the exchange of information and practices among the network partners and among these and the European centres of excellence, as well as reinforcing the activities and competitiveness of Italian projects at European level. Promote the dissemination of Italian good practices in sectors comprising innovation, employment policies, training, education, the information society, e-government and culture by starting up in the various European Union countries, in particular those that have recently been admitted to the EU, projects focused on cooperation and transferring knowledge as well as methodology and tools; this project also aims to c) Offer to the European Commission and the national and regional public administrations a highly appealing network of services including consultancy, technical assistance and high level research on issues relating to Structural Funds, Community programs and international cooperation which can be easily transferred.
EM – European Movement, an international organization that intends to contribute to the creation of a unified, federal Europe, founded on the respect for human rights, principles of peace, democracy, freedom, solidarity and active citizenship