During these years, C.d.I.E. has accomplished several partnerships with public and private entities in different European countries. At the present, more than 70 partnerships are in force.
Public institutions
AU Regionalmanagement Burgenland
BE Wallonie
ES Asociación Aragonesa de Entidades Locales - ASAEL
ES Ayto De Manresa
ES Ayto. De Barcelona
ES Ayto. De Madrid
ES Ayto. De Vall D'Uixo
ES Ayto. De Viladecans
ES Comunidad de Madrid
ES Federacion Andaluza de Municipios y Provincias (FAMP)
ES Generalitat Valenciana
ES Junta de Andalucía
ES Principado de Asturias
FI City of Kokkola
FI City of Vaasa
FR Communauté d'Agglomération de Poitiers
FR Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy
FR Commune de Rennes
FR Conseil général de la Corrèze
FR Conseil général de la Gironde
FR Ville de Lille
FR Ville de Saint Denis
HE Municipality of Skydra
HE Municipality of Sykies
HU Municipality of Teskand
LT Livani District Council
PL Municipality of Wroc?aw
PT Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural (ACIDI, IP)
SE County Administrative Board of Gävleborg
SE County Administrative Board of Västernorrland
SE Region Värmland
UK Nottingham City Council
UK Birmingham City Council
BE Pour la Solidaritè
BE Cooperatives in Europe
BG Marie Curie Association of Bulgaria
FR Mutualité Sociale Agricole
FR Samusocial International
PL Stowarzyszenie TRATWA
RO Samusocial din România
SE SAGA Kvinnokooperativet, Gavle
SI Ekvilib Institute
UK Social Enterprise East Midlands
Institutions and companies
AL IFAW- Independent Forum of the Albanian Women
AU Leopold-Franzens-Universität
BE Amazone asbl
BE Carrefour Interculturel Wallon
BE Centre D’Action Interculturelle
BE Forum Permanent de la société civile
BE Institut de Recherche Formation et Action sur les Migrations
BE SPF Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale
BG Angel Kunchev University of Rousse
BG Balcanika
BG Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
BG MEA, Municipal Energy Agency, Rousse
BG Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry
BG University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
CY Regional Development Agency of Larnaca
DE BFW - Unternehmen für Bildung GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
DE GruenderRegio M
DE Lowtec Gmbh Berlin
DE Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e.V.
DE U.bus GmbH
DE Volkshochschule Hannover
EG Bibliotheca Alexandrina
ES Acoge
ES Asociación Española de Mujeres Empresarias de Madrid
ES Besel S.A. Madrid
ES Camara de Comercio y Industria de Madrid
ES CEIN - Business Innovation Centre of Navarra
ES Comisiones Obreras de Madrid (CC.OO.)
ES Confederación de Sindicatos Independientes y Sindical de Funcionarios – CSI-CSIF
ES Confederación Empresarial de Madrid
ES Consejo Municipal de las Mujeres de Madrid
ES Consorcio Red Local de promoción Económica, Formación y Empleo de Andalucía
ES Coordinadora Española para el Lobby Europeo de Mujeres
ES Fundacion Directa
ES Fundación General – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
ES La Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU
ES Union General de Trabajo (UGT) de Madrid
FI University of Tampere
FI North Kareli Polytechnic
FR AFET - Association Française d'Excellence Territoriale
FR Institut National de formation et de recherche sur l'éducation permanente SEMA Société d'Encouragement aux Métiers d'Art, Paris
FR Lacave Allemand & Associés
FR Logement Français
FR Maison du Temps et de la Mobilité
HE Development Agency of Heraklion S.A.
HE Ephorate for Modern Monuments of Central Macedonia
HE European Profiles S.A.
HE GEORAMA - Regional Development Organization EU Integration & International Development Co-operation
HE Social and Cultural Council of the Prefecture of Magnesia
HE Zographou Municipal Enterprise of Development
HR Croatian Chamber of Commerce
HU BAY ZOLTAN Foundation for Appliad research Institute for Biotechnology Hydea Consulting Ltd, Budapest
HU Csongrád Megyei Agrárkamara
HU Észak-Alföldi Regionális Fejlesztési Ügynökség Kht.
HU MODEM Modern és Kortárs M?vészeti Központ
LV Balta Maja LV Resource Centre for Women "Marta"
LT Equal Opportunities Ombudsman NL Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSSR)
NL Verwey-Jonker Instituut
PL Centrum Biznesu I Rozwoju – BD Center
PL Copernicus University
PL IMGW Krakow Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management
PL Pomorska Fundacja "Pro Europa"
PL TISE s.a. PT A.N.J.A.F.-Associação Nacional De Jovens Para A Acção Familiar PT AESE, Escola de Direcção e Negócios – Associação de Estudos Superiores da Empresa
PT AMA – Associação Mulheres em Acção
PT Animar - Associação Portuguesa Para o Desenvolvimento Local
PT Association Industrial Minho
PT Deloitte Consultores PT Epralima - Escola Profissional Do Alto Lima
PT Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
PT HUF Portuguesa
PT IPQ – Instituto Português da Qualidade
PT ITAU – Instituto Técnico de Alimentação Humana
PT SOGENAVE – Sociedade Geral de Abastecimentos à Navegação e Indústria Hoteleira
RO Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest (CCIRB)
RO Timisoara Chamber of Commerce,Industry and Agriculture SE Encounter AB
SI Združenje delodajalcev Slovenije / Association of Employers of Slovenia ZDS
SK ADEM Euroconsulting SK FEMAN – Slovak-European Cultural Society
SK Person
SK Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
SK Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
SK Technical University Zvolen
UK East Midlands Development Agency
UK University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy